Senin, 25 April 2016

Lose 20 Pounds in 3 Weeks

So you want to take off 20 pounds as quickly as possible? Well you are not alone. Perhaps you have tried to do this on your own by starving yourself for a week or going on some fad diet. Sure, you’ll take off 5 pounds right away, but then you find that you reach a plateau and cannot seem to lose the last 5 pounds. Half of the time, you end up gaining a few pounds back and feel more discouraged than ever. I know how it feels as this was me not so long ago.

Perhaps you have seen ads for “magic pills” that cost a fortune and promise to melt off your excess pounds without any effort on your part. Save your money. There is only one way to lose weight and keep it off and that is to cut your calorie intake and increase your level of activity. There is no “big secret” to losing weight, but you do have to have the mindset for it. In other words, your desire to lose weight has to be stronger than your desire to eat. With that mindset, you can do anything.

I never had a problem with my weight until I reached 40. At that time I found that I was packing on more weight than ever before. It was also at this time that I quit smoking. I found myself eating more and exercising less. Before I knew it, my clothes were really tight and I had gained an extra 20 pounds, seemingly overnight.

But I wasn’t about to go buy new clothes. I had lost weight before. After I had my children I had some extra pounds to lose and took them off right away. So I figured it would be easy to just get rid of 20 extra pounds. So I started a diet and starved myself for a week. I did lose 5 pounds but that was it. I couldn’t get the scale to budge after that. And then I came down with a cold.

I wasn’t ready to give up. I tried several different methods to lose weight but nothing seemed to work. Then I talked to a friend who I consider to be a weight loss expert. My friend had lost 80 pounds. She confirmed that it takes a while to lose weight, that weight loss does not happen quickly and that it should take four months to lose 20 pounds. But then she let me in on a few secrets of how I can speed up the process and lose 20 pounds in three weeks.

In this blog I am going to explain exactly everything you need to know to loose 20 pounds in just three weeks, it worked for me and it WILL work for you too if you stick to what I did. Ill be posting complete details of the system I have developed over the coming weeks. I was intending to release this as a book, but then remembered how many times I had bought books and courses on weight loss that were useless. So I decided to give my complete system away for FREE as a blog so that you can prove to yourself that you can loose weight without spending a fortune.

You should understand that the methods I am going to recommend to lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks are meant to be for short term weight loss or to jump start a diet; they are not meant to be used on a long-term basis. My method of weight loss really does work, I’ve tried it myself. I lost the weight I wanted to lose and fit comfortably into my clothes again. Last year, when I packed on a few extra pounds over the holidays, I used this method again and it worked again. I have also recommended it to friends who either wanted to get started losing a lot of weight or just wanted to shed some extra weight and it worked for them, too.

Use all of the methods that I describe in this blog and I guarantee that you are going to lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks. I will be posting my full system over the next few days.

Tomorrow Ill be publishing the first part of my system. Check back here tomorrow to read: Chapter 1 - How Weight Loss Works

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