The first thing men who are trying to lose weight need to understand is that our body is programed to work against us every single step of the way. You see, an incredible number of years ago when we ate determined by our ability to hunt and accumulate, famine was not uncommon. Back and then, when our bodies sensed a famine coming because we were having less food, our bodies would react by storing fat, burning muscle tissue and slowing down our metabolism.
Unfortunately, our bodies react the same manner today. When you go on a diet, you reduce your calories. After you do that, your bodies think there exists a famine coming, and in an hard work to help you survive the shortage, your body will hang on to fat, burn muscle and slow straight down your metabolism.
So why does your body hold on to fat? Because it knows which fat is a good source of energy and your system can live longer on these fat stores. Unfortunately, when you go on a diet, you are looking to do away with fat, not store it, but thats exactly what happens.
So why does your body burn off muscle? It burns muscle because the item knows that muscle requires more muscularity to support. Do you remember the previous saying "muscle weighs more which fat"? Well, it is legitimate. Not only does muscle weigh additional, but it also helps you burn up more fat.
The problem is when you embark on a diet, as we mentioned, your body hangs on to fat and burns up muscle. This is the EXACT complete opposite of what we want to happen. In reality, for every 12 pounds you lose on a diet, 5 pounds of that weight loss was muscle. The bad news is that 5 pounds of muscle used to shed 250 calories per day. Said another way, for every 5 pounds of muscle you burn your current metabolism is now 250 calories per day slower.
The math doesnt stop with 12 pounds either. When you lose 24 pounds, you burn 10 pounds of muscle and your metabolic rate is now 500 calories per day slower. When you 36 pounds, you burn 15 pounds of muscle and your metabolic process is now 750 calories per day slower.
This is known as the hunger response. Your body thinks it will be starved and it has gone in starvation mode.
It soon becomes mathematically impossible to lose weight. We see this all of some time. Someone goes on a diet. They reduce their calories and they lose some weight. After a while, as their bodies are getting rid of muscle, the weight loss slows and eventually it stops.
The dieter becomes discouraged, and goes off the diet. The really bad newsworthiness is that their body has currently burned a ton of muscle, so their rate of metabolism is now slower than it has been before they went on the eating plan so they gain back all in the weight they had before the diet, in addition to quite often, even more.
In a few months they find a new diet and the cycle starts once again. This is known as yo-years old dieting.
The trick would be to find a way to eat healthy and inform your body that it OK to reduce fat and hang on to its muscle.
Fortunately, modern science has found an essential amino acid that does exactly which. Taken in the right form and the right amounts this essential amino acid actually flips the hunger response and tells your body "We have been now reducing our calories, but its OK. Go ahead and burn body fat, and keep the muscle".
The results of this are you build a lean, strong healthy body and your system becomes efficient at burning fat.
So if this amino acid is really efficient at helping our bodies reduce fat, retain muscle and increase our metabolism, why isnt everybody using it?
Because it is very difficult to acquire this essential amino acid in the right kind and in the right quantity. While it is available in many foods, modern food processing techniques heat this essential amino acid and render it ineffective or they dont provide it in enough variety or in the right format (existing with other amino acids) for this to do its job.
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