Selasa, 08 Maret 2016


My daughter Arabella has far more interest in eating than cooking but sometimes I do try to encourage her to join in. Not all the time though as it makes cooking a much messier process!! She is the master of licking the spoon and so had a big job here.

This is super easy to make and a great recipe to do with children (or adults) - it takes 10 minutes to prepare but you do need to chill it for at least 2 hours or even overnight.

Ingredients for 14 squares (depending on the some of them)!

200g Galaxy chocolate, broken into pieces
100g Rice Krispies
2 tubes of Smarties

Line a baking tin / ceramic dish with baking paper. The one I used was around 26 x 20cm.

Slowly melt the chocolate in a glass bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water.

Take off the heat and add to the Rice Krispies.

Now Arabellas favourite part - licking the spoon!  Carefully mix together the krispies and chocolate - Arabella helped here too.

Pour into the dish / tin and gently smooth down the surface with the back of a large spoon so it fuses together.

Add smarties to the top (another job for Arabella) and then put in the fridge for at least 2 hours (longer if you like).

When completely cold and hard, cut into squares and tuck in.

So simple and easy yet so yum at the same time. Arabella enjoyed helping cook the squares and also eating them - as did I. We were chatting about maybe mixing it up next time and adding jelly beans or mini marshmallows or even melting mars bars over the top - my own personal favourite idea :-) 

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