Rabu, 02 Maret 2016


While I like to think I am "healthy", I am really rubbish when it comes to eating breakfast. I am never really hungry in the morning and I cant eat before a hot yoga session because it makes me feel sick. I end up just eating apples and then saving myself for lunch (although then I have the tendency to overeat). 

However I found this recipe at Waitrose and I thought it was time to try making a different kind of breakfast and break a habit of a lifetime. Plus as I do the 5:2 diet, after a day of 500 calories, I definitely need to eat the next morning and I want to have something healthy and sweet.

Ingredients for 8 portions:

100g mixed nuts, chopped
250g rolled jumbo oats
50g mixed seeds
2 tbsp sunflower oil
6 tbsp maple syrup (I used golden syrup as that is what I had in the house)
150g berry mix
75g dark chocolate, roughly chopped
1 litre of Alpro almond unsweetened or skimmed milk

Preheat the oven to 170 C / gas mark 3 and line a large baking tray with parchment/baking paper.

Chop the mixed nuts.

In a large bowl, mix together the nuts, oats and seeds.

In a small jug, mix 3 tbsp water, 2 tbsp of sunflower oil and 6 tbsp of maple (or in my case) golden syrup.

Pour over the nuts and seeds and mix well.

Pour the mixture into the lined baking tray and spread out into an even layer.

Bake for 35-40 minutes, stirring from time to time until golden. I gave it a stir every ten minutes.

Stir in the berries and the chocolate.

I then put it back in the oven for a couple of minutes to melt the chocolate a little and then stirred again.

Leave to cool completely. When ready serve with almond or skimmed milk.

This was really really good! It felt like a real treat even though it has plenty of health benefits as nuts and seeds are full of protein, magnesium, fibre, potassium and B6. It was also very filling. Any leftover granola can be stored in an airtight container for up to two weeks and you can also use it to sprinkle on top of winter crumbles or just eat it without mile as a quick snack.

I liked this so much I had some for breakfast and some for lunch. I reckon this is definitely going to become a staple in my fridge and I am already looking forward to breakfast tomorrow!

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