Minggu, 06 Maret 2016


Pascal and I cooked our first roast of 2015 today and it was a good one - chorizo and rosemary stuffed roast pork - we are both a bit fussy when it comes to "stuffing"! I hate fruit stuffing such as apricot and Pascal cant handle anything too rich so this was perfect as we are both huge chorizo and leek fans. We wanted something light as a side to compliment the pork and this green veg recipe from Fay Ripleys cookbook was the perfect accompaniment - simple but not boring!

Ingredients for 3 people:

40g butter
1 leek, trimmed and finely chopped
250g frozen peas
1/3 iceberg lettuce, roughly shredded
50ml vegetable stock
10g fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped (optional) - I actually didnt bother!

Like always prepare the ingredients first - make the stock, weigh out the peas and chop the leek and lettuce.

Melt the butter in a saucepan over a medium heat.

Add the leek and cook for 2-3 minutes.

Throw in the peas and stock.

Add the lettuce.

Season and then put a lid on the saucepan and cook for 10 minutes until the leeks are soft and the lettuce is limp.

Serve with chopped parsley stirred through if you like and enjoy.

This was a delicious way to serve green veg and would go with both meat or fish - it is also super easy and quick. Plus it is pretty healthy so you have calories spare for chocolate!!!

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