Today is day 85. I feel like dragging it all. I really do. Because I dont want Meta to finish. And no, I am not doing it on purpose, it happens, but I do have the feeling that I want to stop time for a while and hang in there - in that last level. Is it because I am not completely satisfied with the results? I might have been eating a bit too much, I cant check my weight as there are no scales. I have been having problems sticking to the workouts every day, because there is always so so so much to do.
But anyway. Enough of self pity :) The good news - I did day 85 today! 5 more days folks! Just 5 more days! It has been a great wonderful time! Today I did the workout in the evening, but it is still kicking my ass. Some of the MS exercises I can repeat after Tracy, some I really have to stop every 5-10 reps and rest for some seconds. It is tough!!!
But today was a great day. It actually felt too long and may be even as if it were two days. In the morning (well, at night) we woke up at 3:30 and went to see the sunrise on top of the mountain. Well guess what? If it is 15 degrees C here during the day, it was 0 up on the top. But boy was it so worth it!!! We went with 3 (!!!) ski lifts to the very top (where the skiers are even not normally allowed) of Mont Fort. We even saw the Mont Blanc - the highest peak in Western Europe (we dont count the Russian Elbrus, which is higher hohoho... :D) But all in all, guys, judge for yourself - it was even more beautiful in real life!!!

Most of these pictures - simply no comments... We were too frozen to really appreciate it all right there. But after doing this great trip, having these pictures.... We definitely will remember this for a lifetime.
Do you know what it is like to go from about 15 degrees to 0? This is what it is like... And a hoody doesnt help! There was snow! In the middle of July. Boy was I freezing!
There is Mont Blanc behind me... Yeah!
A leisurely ride on a ski lift is nice when the sun is already out and the air is getting warmer. :)
How big is the difference when you go down... and note - not all the way down!
All in all, great day! We had a small breakfast after the sunrise and crashed for a nap. Then Liuba did a lot of "window-shopping" online, tried to work and workout. Well, the day was good anyway. :)
Enjoy your surroundings people!
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