Minggu, 07 Februari 2016

Day OMG!!! 60 of Metamorphosis

So, I did finish level 6. Without any bumps or bruises. Fast and easy, almost breezy! :) I am amazed and positively surprised! 2/3 of Meta done today! I am ecstatic and still cant totally get my head around this. 


This was just the small part of what we ordered...
Level 6 was I think so far my favourite. I know I might have said it before, but hey, it truly was interesting and exciting, yet challenging and sweaty! Tomorrow I will get some of the results. I have not kept up very well with diet - today for instance I had a sushi feast (and I DO mean a feast!!! - but after all I am 2/3 done with Meta, I do as well deserve a little - or big-ish - treat!), and I havent lost any more weight, though I am not trying to anymore. I am just trying to keep my current weight, and get even more toned. So, I will try to take some pics tomorrow, and see how this goes.

Very nice relaxing weekend and week in general for me. I wake up and have my workout, in the weekdays I then go to driving classes, come back for lunch with my sweetheart, and start work. Then more driving in the evening, and nice homey evening afterwards. Today we also watched hockey - Russia won!!! Hurrah! And funny enough, I am in Czech Republic right now, and this is the team we bit. :) Oops. Today was a great sushi day and I am still stuffed. But I simply couldnt resist. The sushi from (funny enough) the Sushi Bar were really great, and I simply couldnt stop... Ah.

Now after couple hours of work I am off to bed, to see a more beautiful day tomorrow, to start level 7 and hopefully finished the work I am doing right now. Good night everyone!

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